Exploriens Set Reviews

Exploriens History

The Exploriens, living on the planet of Exploria, have been successful in their attempts to find alien life on other planets. Their success relied on Nova Hunter, who would constantly search for alien clues, hoping that his decoders would solve the mystery of alien life. His decoders proved that there were aliens on other planets, perhaps their own, and the Exploriens were born. He had gathered astronauts from his planet who had simply lived there before, and they had become the Exploriens. Later alien life was found, but it took time to find them. The Explorien Starship was built to track down the alien clues and explore their planet, hoping to find U.F.O.'s. They eventually found a small U.F.O. ship, with a droid on it. Then they followed him to the U.F.O.'s planet of Humorless, and eventually found all the aliens. They made a bad choice, however. Instead of exploring the aliens from a distance, like before, they chased after them and tried to capture them to bring them home for analysis. This started a war between the two. The Exploriens' base, the Android Base, was destroyed by the Alien Avenger. But at last the Exploriens had revenge, as they completely demolished the Interstellar Starfighter. Fortunately for the U.F.O.'s, they recovered the pieces from it and were able to build other ships. The Exploriens then were forced to join the Unitron Empire, because they realized they couldn't survive the U.F.O. invasions on their own. Then another bad thing happened. Nova Hunter, the galaxy's number one Star Wars fan, called up Qui-Gon Jinn every night on his message board computer thing, and wanted to become a Jedi Knight. Then he left the Exploriens and went to train to become a Jedi. The other Exploriens were going crazy as they searched for a new leader. Ann Droid was chosen as their leader. She has now led the Exploriens since the new millenium began. (Unless you don't consider this the new millenium.)
