Roboforce Set Reviews

Roboforce History

Roboton has been a planet of peace compared to some of the other planets. This is because many are too scared to tryto battle the fierce Roboforce Robots. Take, for example, the Robo Master. It is so strong and powerful that no enemy would even try to attack it. The Robo Raptor is a smaller but more fierce robot with a laser on its tail. The Robo Raider is a small yet powerful robot with a laser gun with a freeze gun on one side and laser on the other. And finally, the Robo Stalker is a big robot with a flying head, freeze gun arm, and claw arm as well. But the Robots realized that they needed a base to stay at. So they built a Roboforce base, shaped like a bowl, but having a small ship that can fly in and land on long pieces. The Roboforce crew has not had much trouble, except for occasional U.F.O. attacks. They can easily knock the U.F.O.'s away with no trouble at all. Even though they have the ground game, they do not have an aerial attack (save for a few small ships). They must raise their shields to defend from aerial attacks from the U.F.O.'s, Insectoids, or anyone else from the Blacktron Empire. The Robots will continue to defend the Unitron Empire from the ground, but the Unitron Empire better stick with someone else for an attack through the air.
