Unitron Set Reviews

Unitron History

The astronauts of the planet of Unitron have had trouble over the years, like the fire at Space Station Zenon, but have protected and kept strong their masterpiece: the Monorail Transport Base. Their troubles began when the Spyrius robots tried to tear apart their track. That failed when a powerful laser destroyed some of their robots and killed those dreams. But then Spyrius struck back when one of their small ships shot a laser into Space Station Zenon. The shot started a fire, which burnt the building to the ground. The astronauts escaped, but could only save a few things from the base. Being so far from the sun is another problem for Unitron. The darkness and ease for spies to get around is one problem, but the main problem is little heat and energy. That's why the Monorail was built. At first it had little track, but then more and more track was added on until the entire planet of Unitron was connected by Monorail track. This made it easier to communicate, to transport fuel and energy sources (if any could be found), and to give protection to everyone on the planet. This is why everyone, even Ice Planet, has wanted to run this Monorail. However, a powerful satellite and laser beam was built over part of the track, which sent other ships flying off into deep space. The entire planet was then researched, and enough fuel and energy resources were found to give Unitron the best technology in the universe. Then Ice Planet, unable to defeat the Monorail, joined up with them, starting the Unitron Empire. The Space Police realized that Unitron, very much like Futuron, was not trying to cause trouble, so they decided to defend Unitron in any dispute. With those two forces backing Unitron up, it looked like they wouldn't need any more helpers. But the Exploriens and Roboforce later joined on, realizing that they couldn't do well on their own. Sonictron was discovered, and they joined the Unitron Empire. But tensions rose between Ice Planet and Roboforce. Eventually, Roboforce and the Exploriens sided with a new planet known as Aquatron and they formed the Roboforce Empire. Are they a threat to Unitron??
