

Allied Avenger

The Allied Avenger shares his name with one of the ships. He, of course, runs the Allied Avenger, and is considered the best pilot in the galaxy. He is also the leader of Blacktron II, but mainly spends his time flying.

Black Tron

Black Tron, who shares his name with the name of his planet, is a super spy who loves riding tiny rovers and flying with his jet pack on his back. His main goal is to spy on the Space Police and steal their ships and goods.

Black Attacker

The Black Attacker runs a ship I built called the Atomic Attacker. He is from Blacktron I, and is their leader. When both of the Blacktrons merged together, he became the leader of both Blacktrons.

Ice Planet 2002

Crystal Frost

Crystal is the leader of Ice Planet, and she runs the Deep Freeze Defender with her brother, Jack. She helps with their rocket launching and will often help on the ground as well.

Jack Frost

Jack is Crystal's younger brother. He runs the Deep Freeze Defender with Crystal and also helps run some of the rovers.

Fridge Freezer

Fridge is in charge of Ice Planet Odyssey (their base). She is in charge of launching the rockets and keeping all of the Ice Planet people warm.


Sam the Spy

Sam, the leader of Spyrius, runs the Robo Guardian and is in charge of all of their spy ships.

Sly Spy

Sly Spy is the sneakest spy of the Spyrius crew. He has spied many times on Ice Planet, stealing much equipment, and on Unitron, where he sent the Monorail out of control before.


Sneaker is another great spy who flies in all the Spyrius saucers. He loves to blast down Unitron ships but has been caught one too many times by the Space Police.

Space Police
Larry Policeman

Larry is the leader of Space Police II, and has led the Space Police through some difficult times, including when the Allied Avenger destroyed a small moon where all the Space Police I, M:TRON, and Futuron astronauts were located. He helped gather all the Space Police II astronauts and get them to become a good space force again. He helps by running the Solar Snooper, trying to lock up the Allied Avenger for good.

Jay Jailer

Jay is the driver of the Sonar Security rover, and he also helps Larry in the Solar Snooper. He launches the rocket of the back of his Sonar Security rover to track down the Blacktron criminals.

Parry Policeman

Parry is an original Space astronaut who came with his younger brother Peter from Town many years ago. He and Peter joined the Space Police in 1999. They run the newly-built (by me) Super Space Lock-Up. Parry wears a red suit with that Space logo on his shirt.

Peter Policeman

Peter helps Parry with the Super Space Lock-Up. He wears a white space suit with that Space logo on his shirt.


Monorail Runner

Monorail Runner is the leader of Unitron and runs the Monorail Transport Base. When Space Station Zenon was destroyed, he took the big spinning object with the hinges and put it on the base. He added lasers so he can shoot down any incoming Spyrius or Blacktron ships.

Mr. Monorail

Mr. Monorail works up in the tower of the Monorail Transport Base. He, not Monorail Runner, actually runs the Monorail, and keeps it safe from the Spyrius robots.

Ron Unit

Ron runs the Crater Cruiser. He runs it from the rover part, not the ship. Ron's main goal is to keep Unitron aware of any incoming Blacktron or Spyrius ships with the satellite in the back of the rover.


Nova Hunter

Nova Hunter was the leader of the Exploriens. But when he saw the new Star Wars movie, he decided to become a Jedi knight. He used Explorien computers to call up Qui-Gon Jinn every night. In January 2000, he moved to Naboo. No one knows if he will ever return to the Exploriens.

Ann Droid

Ann was selected as the new Exploriens leader. She runs the Alien Fossilizer and helps search for alien clues. When the U.F.O.'s invaded their planet, they knew aliens were real- but they found out in a bad way. Their base was destroyed and so was one of their small ships. She has run the Exploriens well since.

Ben Explorien

Ben runs the Explorien Starship. He is one of the best pilots in the galaxy and has been able to track down tons of U.F.O. ships and shoot them down.

Jack Explorien

Jack, Ben's younger brother, runs the Scorpion Detector, able to shoot down many small ships with his powerful laser cannon. Jack is the leader of the ground crew of the Exploriens.

Joe Explorien

Joe is the youngest brother in the Ben-Jack-Joe Explorien family. He runs the super-small Hovertron vehicle. It is used to look for aliens and to warn the other Exploriens of U.F.O. attacks.


Alpha Draconis
Alpha is the leader of the U.F.O.'s. He runs the humongous Alien Avenger, which can easily destroy any base or even a small moon.

Andy Droid
Andy is supposedly Ann Droid's long-lost brother, but the other aliens will not let him know. Of course, this is only a myth, and he may not be, but you never know... Andy runs the V-Wing Fighter, a great small starfighter.

Omega Alienator
Omega Alienator is the U.F.O. in the gray mask (Alpha is in the black one). He runs the Warp-Wing Fighter, probably one of the best ships in the galaxy. Omega's last name was discovered, but the other aliens still don't remember an Alienator family. Where did he come from? They still don't know.

Al Alien

Al is in the tiny Cyborg Scout. He is the blue droid (Andy is the red one). Al scouts the planets to see if any Exploriens are coming.


Chip Nebula
Chip is the leader of Roboforce. He runs the Robo Raptor, the fastest and sneakiest robot. Chip uses the raptor's tail to shoot lasers. He sneaks around looking for U.F.O.'s to get rid of, then goes back home to the Roboforce Base (which I built).

Rachel Robotic
Rachel (formed by taking off a Space Port girl astronaut's head and putting it on a Roboforce body) is the one who runs the Robo Stalker. She also works at the Roboforce Base (which I built).

Ray Robotic
Ray is the younger brother of Rachel. He runs the Robo Raider, which is the smallest robot. He flies off in its head, which becomes a mini-ship.

Robot Rookie
Robot Rookie was the rookie astronaut at running robots when he forced joined Roboforce. That's how he got his name, but now he is quite experienced. He runs the Robo Master.


Gypsy Moth
Gypsy Moth is the leader of the Insectoids, and she runs the Celestial Stinger. She loves to buzz at any of the other planets, but with the lasers, no one ever tells her to buzz off.

Danny Longlegs
Danny is Gypsy Moth's husband, and he runs the Arachnoid Star Base. He has helped the Insectoids become an overwhelming force in the galaxy.

Gigabot is an Insectoid droid. He'll buzz around in any ship he can find.

Riegel is a Martian from the Life on Mars series. He somehow was separated from his family and found on Unitron. Will Spyrius be able to make millions of clones to fight against the Unitron Empire, or can the Exploriens bring this Martian to safety?
